Another oasis on our travels. Another lovely environment and good company. In no particular order are the following photos, (a small selection out of hundreds, I might add). Everyone in this house has Apple computers, large and small. And they know tons more than we do as we are novices of the first order. Jay and I hard at work.
This is an example of the funky attention to detail Alison and Mike take in their renovations. The tiles on the stair risers are laid out like the theory of evolution. Fish at the bottom and birds at the top. Alison is mainly a bird vet and mainly parrots.
Clancy and Alison were out feeding the babies when this little one decided to make its appearance into the world. Note also the woods in the background. The field's pest is digging squirrels who leave little mounds of soil in their wake. A bit of a nuisance.
This is Dr Mike Hare (the A and E doc) feeding the kids. He's a lanky 6'5" bloke with a wicked sense of humour. Works hard, plays hard, laughs all the time. He loves rocks and they have a stake in an opal mine that we might get to fossic in. He's also Alison's better half these past 34 years.
Here's Alison hard at work. She is little, laughs all the time and is generous to a fault. We are so loving it here and as there are no more time pressures, we have decided to stay an extra day.

We're not going to Ohio just yet but intend to book something for 2 or 3 weeks from now. It is much cheaper if you book in advance. Today we are doing a spot of shopping for farm clothes and possibly rounding up some rams and feeding the kids twice a day. Bird watching in between. Clancy found a robin's nest not a foot of the ground. Still trying to photograph a hummingbird. The buggers won't stay still. He he he.
Breakfast now. Love to all.
please try harder to photograph a hummingbird. Thank you... Xjessx
Meh. Once you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. Kind of like sunsets. Just get one blurry one and that'll do. ;)
Regarding Pic 1. Is that a flying monkey coming at you through the window???? And if so, what exactly did you do to piss off the Wicked Witch of the West?
Clancy and Mary how very wonderful you both so deserve this wonderful time so wish i was enjoying it with you. Loved the new hat & Boots Gert. LOL BS
are you going to be coming to Michigan?? it would be so cool if i could meet up with you somewhere for a quick hello.
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