Hi everybody. Sorry it's been so long but we haven't been able to connect to the internet for long enough. There's lots of pictures here so, not much talking.
When we were in Pasadena we went up the Angeles Crest Highway as far as Mt Wilson and had a look around. We were trying to get some views of the city but it was too smoggy or hazy or something. However, there was this cool bear sign.
I think we talked already about what an oasis Pasadena is and what fabulous houses there are. This one is known as a Craftsman and is a particular style. I remember them from my kidhood.

We had a hell of a time returning the car. We went to 888 Figueroa Street where we thought they should be. We were a couple of hours early so we stopped into a laundromat to do the laundry. We got talking to the guy there who helps people (yes, we needed help) and ended up showing him our photos of NZ and he ended up shouting us the laundry washing and drying. Nobody knew where the Avis place was so we just starting looking for 888. Finally, after turning around 3 or 4 times in the vacinity, asking people none of whom knew anything, we worked out we were in North Figueroa and we needed to be South. That turned out to be about a thousand blocks and we took the surface streets. Instead of being 2 hours early, we were 10 minutes late and getting frantic.
This is just a bloomin' big house.
This photo was taken in our hotel room in Pasadena. We found the room very dimly lighted and were constantly hunting for things in the gloom. I think there's something about being in a hot climate and cool dim interiors. However, Clancy did discover this monstrous bag of peanut M & Ms. It is 1.5 kgs and only cost $9.00. We call it Clancy's ruin.
We had a hell of a time returning the car. We went to 888 Figueroa Street where we thought they should be. We were a couple of hours early so we stopped into a laundromat to do the laundry. We got talking to the guy there who helps people (yes, we needed help) and ended up showing him our photos of NZ and he ended up shouting us the laundry washing and drying. Nobody knew where the Avis place was so we just starting looking for 888. Finally, after turning around 3 or 4 times in the vacinity, asking people none of whom knew anything, we worked out we were in North Figueroa and we needed to be South. That turned out to be about a thousand blocks and we took the surface streets. Instead of being 2 hours early, we were 10 minutes late and getting frantic.
Now we were in downtown L.A. and the Avis return place was on the 5th floor of a carpark building from where we had to drag all our stuff in the elevator down to the ground floor and do the business. Then we had to struggle out the door and wait for the taxi. Because we are now on the OPPOSITE side of the city, the taxi cost $61.00 plus tip!
Picking up the campervan was also frought as the people there were trying to do three things at once and were quite distracted. All in all, we were glad to get out on the road and out of L.A. and we made it all the way to Morro Bay the first night, arriving in the dark, but arriving nonetheless.
We'll show you the van later as I just deleted the picture accidently.
Here is Moro Rock, the local claim to fame.

Then we hit the road again and made it up to Nathan and Kay's in good time. They live about a hour West of Yosemite which is a wonderful national park. They live in a renovated church. It was actually renovated by my ex-husband over 2 years and it is pretty amazing. Very spacious. Here is an example of a bit of their living room. They have about 3 sofa sets for visiting, etc., a ping pong table, pin ball machine, drum set, and lots of other toys.
Nate drove us through Yosemite where we saw teepees. I told Clancy we would look like geeks with matching jackets and yes, here we are.
Yosemite is basically massive granite cliffs and waterfalls and beautiful forests. They have several famous rock formations, some of which are world famous rock climbing venues. Nate says it takes 4-7 days to climb up the face of some of them and people hang there sleeping during the night. No thinks. Here is Yosemite Falls, the tallest water fall in the country. This is only part of it.

Random cliff overhang. Nice.
Yesterday was about 9 hours driving to get to Arcata just south of the Oregon border where we are now parked in a grove of Redwoods near my friend's house. It is a sunny day and we are about to do a spot of sightseeing and perhaps a spot of shopping. So, must away.
First though, thanks to Zoe for the pictures of Arthur. Yes, Arthur, we saw you at the display on Anzac day. You're looking great, as always and we're missing you and thinking of you.
Lots of love to everyone.
Mary and Clancy
The adventure continues. I was beginning to think you had been murdered in your campervan and your bodies dumped somewhere!! And Mary just what is such a big no no about hanging and sleeping?? We old bats do it all the time!!
How about forwarding Father's ANZAC pics to me????
In UK now.
This is brilliant, I am seeing parts of the States I have never seen before! It is giving me itchy feet!
ok, oh my god, where do i start? First PEANUT M&MS 1.5kg bag??????? MUMCHA! Don't do it! or make it last the WHOLE trip!!!! (please bring me back one xxx just joking) that's America for you... Secondly, MATCHING JACKETS? hahahahahaha!!!!!!! HA! no words needed.
Matching jackets????? Mum, it's a family tradition to heap SCORN on such folk. What were you thinking?
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