So we went to Cincinnati to see my cousin Susan and her friend Sandi. Susan is my Father's Sister's daughter. They were absolutely fantastic too and took us all over the place. The following photos are a bit out of order, as we're quite tired tonight. We flew back to Phoenix and gained 2 hours so it is very late for us now.
And by the way, we've posted two blogs tonight, the other one below is titled Phoenix.
We did so much that it is a little scrambled in our heads but this is one thing we did. This is Serpent Mound and if you can read this you'll understand the following picture, which is the serpent. Anyway it is an effigy of a snake made in about 1000 a.d. which is really old.

See the snake.
This is Susan on the left of the photo and Sandi on the right.

And this is a deer that came out of the woods in their back yard. It is walking on what they lovingly call "the moonscape", which is the neighbours back yard (a work in progress).
Ohio has lots and lots of bridges and right across the river is Kentucky. Who knew?
On our first day out we saw our first covered bridge. Wonderful. Still has the old wooden floorboards and took lots of traffic during the few minutes we were there.
There is also an Amish community near by. It is smaller than the Pennsylvania communities, but Amish
nonetheless. They farm, make and sell pies, furniture, and
naks. No I don't know how to spell that. They won't pose for pictures and often turn away but don't mind if you photograph them going about their business. We clearly missed this chap but caught the horse and buggy.

This is Cincinnati from one of the many bridges.

The next day we went to the butterfly exhibition which was charming. Lots of children enjoying feeding and photographing the butterflies. Some were a little the worse for wear, but the really special ones were protected behind netting. This little guy landed on me the moment I walked in the door.

And then we went to a local baseball game. We didn't know it at the time, but we were actually in Kentucky watching a local team. Freedom Fighters? maybe? They won too. We had seats on the first base line and enjoyed ourselves immensely. We had hotdogs and beer. Yea.
These are the two lovely dogs. That's Murphy on the right and Josh on the left. Both very lovable, friendly dogs and great mates to each other.
Clancy blogging in the living room. They had a lovely 3 story house with all the mod cons in a very modern American neighbourhood about 6 years old. The streets were laid on the ridge of the foothill and the houses' back yards slopped into the woods. Just lovely.
The extended family included Dan on the right who is Abby's boyfriend. Abby is Susan's daughter and my first cousin once removed. She really reminded me of Jody and I think they would get along quite well.
A barge passing under the bridge. We went out to dinner on our last night there and took a walk on the Purple People Bridge. It used to be for cars, but they closed it and it is now a tourist attraction. It goes from Ohio to Kentucky and is again, charming. There's a picture of it down below. We're a little out of order here.

One of the vendors was selling hermit crabs for pets. Nicely coloured shells and lots of crabs, some clearly ready for another shell. I didn't think customs would go for it.

The family again with Cincinnati in the background.
Cincinnati is a big meat-processing state and pork is an important part of the economy I presume. They built these little statues to honour the pigs. Yes, they have wings.

Another porcine reference.

And here is the purple people bridge. I loved it. A warm balmy evening and a walk after dinner. Really nice.
Remember to keep going to see the Phoenix blog. We're actually back in Phoenix tonight for the last night. Tomorrow we drive to L.A. for 2 nights and then we head home. Can't believe it. I think we're both about ready. Either that or we'd stay another 6 months. I'm not sure we'll blog again, but keep your eyes peeled. Love to all.